Key criteria to choose your telecom provider
Key criteria to choose your telecom provider
How many times have you happened to be in a big brand shop and you’ve felt completely lost, in the middle of a huge selection of products and you not finding what you are looking for?
Sometimes, the brand shops put you in a situation where you end up thinking that the Products that you need is not available elsewhere. So you force yourself to spend hours , pay huge amount and may have to even wait long if they are low in stock and last but not least you may also face lousy customer service.
This never happens in your habitual shop where they only advice you on the best. Everyone is ready to help and assist you, especially because you’ve built a relationship with them.
The similar situation can be applied when you want to find something in telecoms .
There may be instances, where you may have paid huge amounts of money for your big named telecom circuits and waited for hours on the phone to get lousy support, poor speed or quality in response and ancient technology in exchange.
Sometimes choosing a local telecoms company can help you to find the right telephony solution for your business.
There are five key criteria to keep in mind when choosing a telecom provider:
Telecommunication plays a huge role in providing services to both internal and external users. Quality is a combination of speed, latency and jitter. Establishing SLA’s and looking for high performance.
Some private and local companies are very focused in keeping the relationships with existing clients more than creating a huge portfolios and they can offer the better quality than big companies.
Maintaining your telephony system plays a crucial role in your business. If the system goes down your business goes down too. It is very important that you exactly know what to do and who you call during a disaster. Your provider should be able to demonstrate the ability to know when a circuit is down, escalate appropriately, allocate technicians efficiently and reroute your traffic to a backup network if needed.
Your telecom provider should help you grow your business, not slow it down.
All telecom providers may have the ability to repair your service while minimizing business impact provides the differences between the multiple services available.
Ask the providers if they own their network or lease it from others, their escalation procedures and if you can expect a live person to answer when you are in trouble.
Flexibility and Scalability
Flexibility and scalability should also be considered. Look for a provider who is always up in the market trend. This will allow you to enhance your telecoms usage by doing appropriate upgrades, adding services or introduction to new products which may suit your organisation as it grows.
Ensuring that your provider can meet your regulatory requirements including encryption, password management, router management, monitoring, IDS or IPS services and even DDOS solutions is key.