
In a market which is changing almost on a daily basis NexusIP is a company which will be able to provide you with a futuristic solution to your mobile requirements. When it comes to Mobile solutions, based on experience we understand what really matters to your business.

We will deliver a price plan and service that presents maximum value and freedom to focus on your core business.

We offer a range of tariffs, handsets, tablets, applications, and solutions to suit your business.

We know our customers want :

  • Value for money
  • Immediate contact and help if a problem arises and a speedy solution
  • Use of the best network available
  • Maximum coverage based on the companies geographical operation
  • Reliable applications and supported handsets with back up service
  • A support line which embraces our customers’ needs and supplies up to date information technology

At Nexus we understand that every business is different, and that is what enables us to deliver the best possible solution. Many end users understand the complex and fragile nature of mobile voice and data services and have learned to live with service quirkiness and application unpredictability as a necessary trade off in order to take advantage of the flexibility.

Our Business mobile solutions:

Our Business Mobile Solutions:



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