
Telephone systems have long been a favoured target of organised crime as a profitable route to generating fraudulent income. Opportunities for fraudulent access increase with the transition of phone systems into VoIP, and the introduction of phone systems into the cloud.

Security covers more than just fraud protection though. With the emergence of data denial viruses, business are being forced to pay for the unlocking of business critical data. With data becoming a business asset, vulnerable wireless networks and unsecure BYODevices mean physical entry on your premises is no longer necessary. Even air-gap servers are no longer secure.

As a long standing supporter of security, Nexus IP have prevented thousands of clients from fraud. We invest our time to ensure we know the risks, review solutions, and recommend preventative measures to our clients.

Voice Firewall

A firewall act as a barrier to prevent unauthorised access to a protected network. Voice firewalls act on the same principle – preventing your phone system from making unauthorised phone calls out. This sits outside the telephone system and still performs the function even if the telephone system is compromised. Suspect calls are blocked by default, with fully customisable white lists/allow lists.

Secure Wireless

Hackers have a number of methods to get onto your wireless network, all without even stepping a foot inside your building. Extracted data is used to hold companies to ransom, to clone financial authorities, for theft of valuable data, and for malicious destruction. The increasing presence of Pwn Pads allow advanced hacker skills to become available to the masses at the press of a button. Secure wireless is a necessity.

Off-site Data Backup

Backing up your data off-site allows restoration in the event of a disaster, but frequent incremental backups also allow recovery of data if your business is targeted by a data denial viral attack, whilst keep costs to a minimum. Choose a hybrid data backup service for rapid on site recovery, and resilience with further backup data in the cloud.

Access Control Systems

Make sure you limit access to secure areas of the building by using a centrally managed access control system, including recording points of data on who accessed which area and when. The latest IP systems feature real time alerts, remote monitoring, and instant reconfiguration.